Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Schuster and I have been going to the Y fairly regularly the last few weeks, and I'm on a serious 10-week program now. Given that I'm starting from no muscles, I'm just looking to get the beginnings of definition. I can feel them growing beneath my flab, so I'm confident that in a few months I'mma be pre-ripped.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Curtis...the beginning

I guess I should begin too. No pictures yet, but if I wait for them I may never begin.

On Sunday I ate a huge piece of cheesecake during my lunch at Meijer (along with my lunchable). The container said it was about 3 servings and like 300 calories per serving. I didn't actually eat it all. I love cheesecake... but maybe not that much cheesecake.

So, now that I had my one last binge of goodness... I guess it's time to get buff.

2 Weeks complete

After 2 weeks things are going well. I haven't taken pictures this week, but I still look the same, so you're not missing out. I am a bit disapointed by that, but I'm going to try to keep my head up. I'm doing really good on the exercise side of things, running every day and doing cardio work outs. Last night I did tae-bo from the fitness channel offered with comcasts on demand, that is pretty neat. I have been running a lot. The distance from the end of my road to the stop sign on the other side of the delta plex is .49 miles, so a round trip is close enough to a mile to make me happy. I ran it really hard yesterday, it felt good, almost like old times when i was in shape. I need to try harder to consume things that aren't bad for me. I am doing really well with the food part, eating tuna, fruit, salmon, almonds, peanuts, fat free everything. The only thing I'm screwing up on is drinking...I drank beer 4 nights last week. We keep going out! I need to buckle down and order water, but it's not nearly as much fun.
Hopefully I'll see a change soon. I sure do feel a change.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Did 30 mins on the eliptical machine, followed by crossover cables, incline press, tricep extensions and some glute exercises.

I can definitely feel muscle growing underneath my moobs.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Josh..1 week complete

Well, a weeks gone by and I don't see a whole lot of difference. But I feel a lot better. I don't know what I weighed when I started, but my scale says 183 right now I may have lost something. I've been eating really well except this past weekend when my wife and I went to her grandmas...she makes the most awesome southern style food ever..fried potatoes..yum! I basically just eat fruit, fat free cottage cheese with blueberries, peanuts and almonds, fish. I drink a lot more water, trying not to do pop anymore at all, and skim milk. It's been working out good so far. I don't feel like i'm depriving myself.
I've started running and doing aerobic exercises trying to get my metabolism back up. I usually take a run from home, around the delta plex. I'm not sure the distance, I'll have to measure it in my car soon. I'd say it's roughly a mile.
Over all I feel good after 1 week. Hopefully I start showing a difference soon.
Wish me luck :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Josh...the beginning

The Journey Begins!

We're normal dudes, and we're on a journey to get fit.